pyswitch package

Twisted Protocols for communication with FreeSWITCH

PySWITCH allows you to communicate with FreeSWITCH using inbound and outbound EventSocket connections.

The protocols are designed to be included in applications that want to allow for multi-protocol communication using the Twisted protocol. Their integration with FreeSWITCH does not require any modification to the FreeSWITCH source code (though an eventsocket account is obviously required for the Inbound connections, and you have to actually call the Outbound server from the dialplan).

pyswitch.fsprotocol.FSProtocol class

pyswitch.inbound.InboundProtocol and pyswitch.outbound.OutboundProtocol inherit from FSProtocol all the methods defined in here are available on both those classes. All the following methods return Deferred object which will fire when the result is available from FreeSWITCH

class pyswitch.fsprotocol.FSProtocol

FreeSWITCH EventSocket protocol implementation.

All the FreeSWITCH api and dptool commands are defined in this class

answer(uuid='', lock=True)

Answer cahnnel

uuid – (str) uuid of target channel lock – (bool) lock the channel until execution is finished

apiAvmd(uuid, start=True, background=False)

Execute avmd on provided channel. uuid (str) – uuid of the target channel start (bool) – If True avmd will start if false avmd will be stopped

apiConferenceDial(name, url, background=False)

Dial the given url from conference

name – (str) name of the conference url – (str) FreeSWITCH compatible call URL

apiConferenceKick(name, member, background=False)

Kick the given member from conference

name – (str) name of the conference member – (str) member id or all or last

apiConferenceList(name=None, delim=None, background=False)

List the conference name - (str) name of the conference. if not given all the conferences will be listed delim - (str) delimiter to use for separating values

apiConferenceListCount(name, background=True)

Return number of members in the conference

name – (str) name of the conference

apiConferenceMute(name, member, background=False)

Mute given member in a conference

name – (str) name of the conference member – (str) member id or all or last

apiConferencePlay(name, filename, member=None, background=False)

Playback given file in conference

name – (str) name of the conference filename – (str) name of the audio file to be played in conference member – (str) member id in conference

apiConferenceStop(name, fid=None, member=None, background=False)

Stop an ongoing/queued playback in conference

name – (str) name of the conference fid – (str) file ID to stop takes all|async|current|last member – (str) member id in conference

apiConferenceUnMute(name, member, background=False)

UnMute given member in a conference

name – (str) name of the conference member – (str) member id or all or last

apiConferenceVolume(name, member, value=0, direction='out', background=False)

Set volume of conference

name – (str) name of the conference memeber – (str) member id or all or last value – (int) 0 - 4 direction – (str) in or out

apiGlobalGetVar(variable='', background=False)

Get the value of a global variable

variable – name of the variable

returns the value of the provided global variable if argument variable is not present then all global variables are returned.

apiGlobalSetVar(variable, value, background=False)

Set the value of a global variable

variable – name of the variable whose value needs to be set value – value of the variable to be set

apiHupAll(cause='NORMAL_CLEARING', variable='', value='', background=False)

Hangup all the existing channels

cause – cause for hanging up variable – channel having the provided variable will be checked for hangup value – value of the variable. Hangup only if this matches

apiLoad(module_name, background=False)

Load external module

module_name – (str) name of the module

apiOriginate(url, application='', appargs='', extension='', dialplan='', context='', cidname='', cidnum='', timeout='', channelvars={}, background=False)

Originate a new channel and connect it back to the specified extension or application

url – (str) call url . Should be a valid FreeSWITCH supported URL extension – (str) Extension number that the originated call has to be connected back to. make sure

that you provide dialplan and context also when this arg is provided.

application – (str) Application name to connect to, either extension or application has to be provided appargs – (str) application arguments dialplan – (str) FreeSWITCH dialplan context – (str) Context to look for the extension cidname – (str) Outbound caller ID name cidnum – (str) Outbound caller ID number channelvars – (dict) key value pairs of channel variables to be set on originated channel.

apiReload(module_name, background=False)

Reload and external module

module_name – (str) name of the module


Reload XML configuration


Fetch freeswitch status

apiUUIDBreak(uuid, all=True, background=False)

Break out of media being sent to a channel. For example, if an audio file is being played to a channel, issuing uuid_break will discontinue the media and the call will move on in the dialplan, script, or whatever is controlling the call.

uuid - (str) uuid of the target channel all - (bool) to break all queued up audio files or only the current one

apiUUIDBridge(uuid1, uuid2, background=False)

Bridge two active channel uuids

uuid1 – (str) Channel 1 uuid uuid2 – (str) Second channel uuid

apiUUIDBroadcast(uuid, path, leg='aleg', background=False)

Play a <path> file to a specific <uuid> call.

uuid – (str) uuid of the target channel path – (str) path of the file to be played leg – (str) on which leg to play file possible options - aleg,bleg,both defaults to aleg

apiUUIDChat(uuid, msg, background=False)

Send a chat message to target channel

uuid – (str) uuid of the target channel msg – (str) chat message to be sent

apiUUIDDeflect(uuid, uri, background=False)

Deflect an answered SIP call off of FreeSWITCH by sending the REFER method.

uuid_deflect waits for the final response from the far end to be reported. It returns the sip fragment from that response as the text in the FreeSWITCH response to uuid_deflect. If the far end reports the REFER was successful, then FreeSWITCH will issue a bye on the channel.

uuid – (str) uuid of the target channel uri – (str) destination sip URI

apiUUIDDisplace(uuid, switch, path, limit, mux=True, background=False)

Displace the audio for the target <uuid> with the specified audio <path>.

uuid – (str) uuid of the target channel switch – (str) possible options are start,stop path – (str) path of the file to be played limit – (int/str) number of seconds before terminating the displacement mux – (bool) cause the original audio to be mixed, i.e. you can still converse with the other party while the file is playing

apiUUIDExists(uuid, background=False)

Check if a given uuid exists

uuid – (str) uuid of the target channel

apiUUIDFlushDTMF(uuid, background=False)

Flush queued DTMF digits

uuid – (str) uuid of the target channel

apiUUIDHold(uuid, off=False, background=False)

Place a call on hold

uuid – (str) uuid of the target channel off – (bool) turn on or turn off hold

apiUUIDKill(uuid, cause='', background=False)

Kill a given channel

uuid – (str) uuid of the target channel cause – (str) hangup reason

apiUUIDMedia(uuid, off=False, background=False)

Reinvite a channel bridging media

uuid – (str) uuid of the target channel off – (bool)

apiUUIDPark(uuid, background=False)

Park a given channel

uuid – (str) uuid of the target channel

apiUUIDRecord(uuid, start, path, limit=None, background=False)

Record channel to given path

uuid–(str) uuid of the target channel start–(bool) start or stop recording path –(str) path of file to where channel should be recorded

apiUUIDSendDTMF(uuid, dtmf, background=False)

Send dtmf to given channel

uuid – (str) uuid of the target channel dtmf – (str) DTMF data to be sent

apiUnload(module_name, background=False)

Unload external module

module_name – (str) name of the module to unload


Fetch FreeSWITCH version

avmd(start=True, uuid='', lock=True)

Start or stop avmd on current channel

bridge(endpoints=[], uuid='', lock=True)

Bridge and endpoint to given channel

endpoints – (list) list of endpoint FreeSWITCH URIs

conference(confname, uuid='', lock=True)

Connect the channel to give conference

confname – (str) conference name


Deregister a callback for the given event

ecb – (EventCallback) instance of EventCallback object


Handle disconnect notice


Override this to receive disconnect notice from FreeSWITCH


Over-ride this to get notified of FreeSWITCH disconnection

endlessPlayback(path, uuid='', lock=True)

Play a file endlessly

flowBreak(clear_queue=False, uuid='', lock=True)

Break the current action that is being performed on call

hangup(uuid='', lock=True)

Hangup current channel


Inspect message and dispatch based on self.state or Content-Type of message


Tie up the connection to particular channel events


Decide if we need to subscribe to an event or not by comparing the event provided against already subscribeEvents

event – (str) event name

returns bool

onBackgroundJob(message, df)

we may not need this method anymore


we may not need this method anymore

playAndGetDigits(min, max, tries=3, timeout=4000, terminators='#', filename='', invalidfile='', varname='', regexp='\\d', uuid='', lock=True)

Play the given sound file and get back caller’s DTMF min – (int) minimum digits length max – (int) maximum digits length tires – (int) number of times to play the audio file default is 3 timeout – (int) time to wait after fileblack in milliseconds . default is 4000 filename – (str) name of the audio file to be played varname – (str) DTMF digit value will be set as value to the variable of this name regexp – (str) regurlar expression to match the DTMF uuid – (str) uuid of the target channel

Make sure CHANNEL_EXECUTE_COMPLETE event is subcribed otherwise finalDF will never get invoked

playback(path, terminators=None, uuid='', lock=True)

Playback given file name on channel

path – (str) path of the file to be played ‘

recordSession(filename, uuid='', lock=True)

Record entire session using record_session dialplan tool

registerEvent(event, subscribe, function, *args, **kwargs)

Register a callback for the event event – (str) Event name as sent by FreeSWITCH , Custom events should give subclass also

eg : CUSTOM conference::maintenance

subsribe – (bool) if True subscribe to this event function – callback function accepts a event dictionary as first argument args – argumnet to be passed to callback function kwargs – keyword arguments to be passed to callback function

returns instance of EventCallback , keep a reference of this around if you want to deregister it later

schedHangup(secs, uuid='', lock=True)

Schedule hangup

seconds – (int/str) seconds to wait before hangup


Send message to FreeSWITCH

msg – (event) Event object

set(variable, value, uuid='', lock=True)

Set a channel variable

variable – (str) name of the channel variable value – (str) value of the channel variable

stopRecordSession(path, uuid='', lock=True)

Stop recording session


Subscribe to FreeSWITCH events.

events -(str) ‘all’ subscribe to all events or event names separated by space this method can subscribe to multiple events but if the event is of CUSTOM type then only one CUSTOM event with subclass should be given

voice_start(uuid='', lock=True)

Start AMD on current channel

voice_stop(uuid='', lock=True)

Stop AMD on current channel

pyswitch.fsprotocol.Event class

Event class implements a Python dictionary like object. This object is used as data type for information sent or received from FreeSWITCH Events and API or dialplan commands both can be represented using this object.

class pyswitch.fsprotocol.Event

Event object class has the following methods


Rebuild the event headers with with URL format decoded values


Returns string representation of Event object. You are not required to use this directly. This method is useful while sending Event object message on wire.

pyswitch.inbound module

Inherit your factory from InboundFactory while connecting to FreeSWITCH as InboundSocket ESL. Pass on the password set in FreeSWITCH ESL as the argument to this class. The protocol attribute set in this class must be inherited from FSProtocol or InboundProtocol

class pyswitch.inbound.InboundFactory(password)

Bases: twisted.internet.protocol.ClientFactory

A factory for InboundSocketProtocol


alias of InboundProtocol

class pyswitch.inbound.InboundProtocol

Bases: pyswitch.fsprotocol.FSProtocol

Inbound connection to FreeSWITCH. Using inbound socket connections you can check status, make outbound calls, etc.


Override this for when authentication failed


Override this for when authentication is sueccessful

pyswitch.outbound module

class pyswitch.outbound.OutboundProtocol

Bases: pyswitch.fsprotocol.FSProtocol

Outbound connection from FreeSWITCH.

Inherit from your outbound socket protocol from this class.


This method is invoked when FreeSWITCH connects to outbound socket program callinfo is an Event object filled with all the channel variables call details passed in by FreeSWITCH. Override this method in your class.