pyswitch.examples package

Some examples of PySWITCH showing how-to communicate with FreeSWITCH. These examples can be found under examples directory of PySWITCH source. If you need help using PySWITCH library you can reach out to me at godson (at)

pyswitch.examples.inbound-example module

This demonstrate the use of InboundProtocol to connect to FreeSWITCH and place a call to extension 1000. There different ways to use the inbound module in your code. Either by inheriting your connecting factory and protocol from InboundFactory and InboundProtocol respectively (which is also preferred way) Or using the module as shown the example.

pyswitch.examples.outbound-example module

This example shows how-to control a call from OutboundSocket. OutboundSocket is useful for controlling calls from your program (eg: writing IVRs ). The current example plays an audio file to caller and collects the DTMF digits.