Version 0.2
- Typos fix in doc strings
- Support for CUSTOM events with Event-Subclass
- apiAvmd - VoiceMail beep detection
- apiConferenceList - list confernce
- apiConferenceListCount - return members in a conference
- apiConferenceVolume - set volume of conference
- apiConferenceMute - mute given member in a conference
- apiConferencePlay - playback given file in conference
- apiConferenceStop - stop and ongoing/queued playback in conference
- apiConferenceUnMute - unmute given member in a conference
- apiUUIDBridge - bridge two active channels
- apiUUIDRecord - record channel
- avmd - dialplan tool for voicemail beep detection
- flowBreak - break current action that is being performed on a call
- endlessPlayback - Play a file endlessly
- playbackSync
- recordSession
- stopRecordSession